I realized I haven't properly introduced myself in my first post. Who is this stranger writing a children's story book ?
Well, I'm a PhD student at CarnegieMellon in Pittsburgh. My lab is in the department of Biological Sciences, and I spend a lot of time building things, so some people call me an engineer.
"That has nothing to do with writing children's books !!!", you say. You're right ! I guess it's more informative to say I like trying new things.
My first love is photography. The photo below was taken at my 3rd birthday party, in Saigon. My attempt at photographing my friends was quickly abandoned when the cake arrived, and the party was a quiet, sedate affair. At least that's the version my parents told. Since my report cards from this period regularly included the phrase "Phu is sociable but also incorrigibly disruptive", I feel the reality may have been a bit different.
I'm not sure what camera I'm looking at here,
but my Dad took this photo with his Canonet.
No fruit or child-friendly beverage was harmed during this production.